Support with Applications

We can help with your application to National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The NDIS can be confusing and overwhelming if you don’t know how to navigate it. The NDIS is an insurance scheme, not a welfare model. Therefore, like your car insurance, if you don’t have windscreen protection cover when you apply for the insurance, it won’t be covered down the track when you want help with a cracked windscreen. Applying needs preparation and research and we can help you. To apply for NDIS you must meet the Access Requirements which means you have a disability (which is permanent, diagnosed, treated and stabilised), live in Australia as a permanent resident, be aged between 9-65yrs and there is also an early childhood stream of NDIS for children aged under 9yrs. You need to get an Access Request Form. Evidence from medical specialists and doctors is as important as other reports and documents from allied health professionals such as social workers, speech therapists, occupational therapists and psychologists. You need to state what is your primary disability and what is your secondary disability or condition. Phone or email us and we can support you with your NDIS application.

We can help with your application to NSW Victims Services

The Victims Support Scheme is available to anyone who has experienced an act of violence in NSW.​ An act of violence is an act or series of related acts that: apparently occurred in committing a criminal offence​; involved violent conduct; and resulted in physical or psychological injury, or death. Examples of violent acts include, but are not limited to, assault, sexual assault and domestic violence offences. There does not need to be a charge or a conviction for the victim to receive support however, the available evidence must establish an offence was committed. Victims support is available to primary, secondary or family victims. Phone or email us and we can support you with your NSW Victims Services application.

We can help with your application to Department of Housing

We can help you register with the Victorian Housing Register which manages all of the requests for social and community housing. Priority access is allocated to people who are homeless and receiving support, are escaping or have escaped family violence, with a disability or significant support needs or who need to move for health reasons. Every month there are about 17,000 new applications to Victoria Housing so it is important you supply all the required information up front like:

What general things do I need to do for any application?

Make sure you have current proof of identity such as birth certificate, passport, Medicare card, student card, bank statements and other supporting reports, documents or references. Get ready for lots of paperwork and administration and this is where we can help. Phone or email us for more information about the expertise and support we provide.

Experts in Complexity.